Monday, January 30, 2012

A wintertime project to fight the blues...

I thought I would share a project that I started working on. I am a lover of those little mini cookbooks that are usually at the checkout counter at the grocery store. I have amassed quite a collection. I dont know what to do with them and yet.... I keep buying them! So I told myself if I am going to continue to feed my addiction then I need to pare down and organize it better sooo I came up with this system... First I gathered up my mini cookbooks...
 Then I used my old page protectors I had tried to use for my coupons but it didnt work. They are page protectors for photographs and work perfectly for the recipe cards in the books.
 THen I went thru all of the books and tore out the recipe cards I wanted to keep...
 Organized them by catagory.... breakfast, sides and salads mains with beef, mains with chicken etc
 A week or two ago I bought a binder at Target that was on sale and perfect for this project.

I started to put the cards into the sleeves....
 At first I was only going to put one in the sleeve so you could see the front and back but quickly realized this would have taken up way too many pages so I decided to go back to back. So you can see the picture of  a recipe on one side and then another picture of another recipe on the other side....does that make ANY sense???

Tada! My work in progress. Now I have en entire binder with everything organized and easy to find instead of looking thru (way) too many books. This would be a great way to keep other recipe cards like ones you use for christmas cookies or if you have a bunch from a bridal shower. Instead of putting them in a recipe box. I love that I can see them!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

As usual Im all over the place...

But this time I have a legit excuse! HA HA. well three days after Halloween my husband fell and its been crazy since...but I like to think of this blog as an escape from that. Christmas has sadly come and gone and like many people I get so down after the holidays. I love Christmas and hate to see it go. However after decorating and putting things up and away and moving bins up and down the stairs since August... Im definatly ready for a clean slate so to speak. A huge project I decided to start was cleaning my basement. Its a DISASTER. I think this is a great way to help me through this tough time in my house. Right now Im doing everything for everyone and its difficult to say the least. Taking on the basement one small space at time gives me some control during a time that most everything is out of my control. And the best part is that I can start crafting stamping and sewing like I have wanted to do for so long. Anyway Im looking foward (yet again) to getting back into the swing of things in terms of blogging and "undecking the halls"... Does anyone else have a hard time staying focused on projects or housework or any type of undertaking? Im excited to keep learing about blogging and all the 'bells and whistles' that go with it. Mine may not be very fancy... but I do love doing it!!