Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Thai food.... with Randee

Several years ago we visited relatives in Vermont and they ordered thai food one nite. I am not too adventurous with food but I really did like this  dish it was an interesting and unusual tastes. IT was chicken with pineapple snow peas carrots and cashews. With coconut milk and red curry. IT was absolutely delicious. The curry added heat to it and the coconut milk balanced that out perfectly. It literally warmed you up on a cold nite. Yum. So I went home and tried to recreate it and I must admit it was pretty accurate and also delish. I made this last nite and here it is.....

These are the the ingredients that can be found at any food store in the asian food aisle. You will need boneless chicken breasts about one per person. You will also need a can of pineapple chunks, a can of coconut milk, carrots, snow peas, cashews and red curry paste...

Cook chicken in oil in a large pot until cooked all the way thru...

 Add coconut milk snow peas and carrots... let cook for about 5-10 minutes...
 Add pineapple chunks about 3/4 of the can...
 Add one tablespoon of the red curry paste.. this didnt make it very hot in terms of spice. I would start with that and taste and add if desired...
 Serve over rice and enjoy w your friend!!!

She loved it! Thanks Randee for coming over and having a taste!!!!


  1. Hi Amy, it looks good. Yummy....making me hungry.

    We went to a Thai wedding several years ago and the food was really good and tons of it.

    Hope you are having a wonderful Fall.

    Hugs, Barb

  2. Hey, girl, how do you think this'd be w/o the pineapple?? I love pineapple, don't get me wrong, but I don't like sweet mixed up in my main food, as a rule.
